

Health Screening Malaysia
Dr Lee Kuok Chung









Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Premium Plus

KPJ (Damansara Hospital 2)
Health Screening Men/Women Above 40

Prince Court Medical Centre

Signature Male And Female Package

Subang Jaya Medical Centre
Female Gold Plus

Subang Jaya Medical Centre
Male Diamond

Comparable Men’s / Women’s Health Screening Package Cost In Singapore

RM 1,435 (approx S$411) For Male 

RM 1,597 (approx S$458) For Female

RM 1,299 (approx S$372)

RM 1,800 (approx S$516) For Men

RM 2,050 (approx S$588) For Women

RM 1,790 (approx S$513)

RM 1,582 (approx S$454)

Approx RM 2,790 (S$800)

1. Consultation with doctor
2. AI Fundus Screening
3. ECG with Report
4. Chest X-ray with Report
5. HBA1C
6. Free T4
8. Hepatitis C
9. Audiometry
10. Helicobacter Pylori
11. CA 19.9 (for gastro-intestinal cancer)
12. Stress ECG (Treadmill) with Report
13. Ultrasound Abdomen and Pelvis
14. General Screening Profile 3

- Full Blood Count and ESR
- Blood Group and Rhesus
- Renal profile (Kidney Function)
- Liver Function Test
- Fasting Blood Sugar (Diabetes)
- Calcium & Phosphates (Bone Metabolism)
- Uric Acid (Gout)
- Lipid Profile (Cholesterol)
- TSH (Thyroid disease)
- Alpha-Fetoprotein (Liver cancer)
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Colon cancer)
- RA Factor (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
- TPA (Syphilis screening)
- Hepatitis A and B screening (HBsAg, HBsAb, HAV-IgG)
- Urine test (FEME)

15. Review of Report

For Male: 

- PSA (for prostate cancer)

For Female: 

- Liquid –based Pap Smear Test
- CA 15.3 (for breast cancer)
- CA 125 (for ovary cancer)

For Men:

1. Review by Health Screening Consultant
2. Vision Test
3. Anthropometric Measurement
4. Vital Signs & ABPI
5. Chest X-Ray
6. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
7. Lung Function Test 
8. Blood Investigation (GP60C)
9. HbA1C
10. Total Vitamin D
11. Ultrasound Abdomen/Pelvis
12. Bone Densitometry
13. Uroflowmetry

For Women:

1. Review by Health Screening
2. Consultant
3. Vision Test
4. Anthropometric Measurement
5. Vital Signs
6. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
7. Lung Function Test
8. Chest X-Ray
9. Blood Investigation (GP60D)
10. HbA1C
11. Total Vitamin D
12. Ultrasound Breast + Mammogram
13. Ultrasound Abdomen/Pelvis
14. Bone Densitometry
15. Pap Smear


1. Consultation & physical examination by doctor

2. Explanation of screening report by doctor

3. Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)

4. Vision testing

5. Pure tone audiometry

6. Body fat analysis

7. Diet & wellness counselling

8. Opthalmic screening

9. Resting ECG

10. Exercise stress test with report by cardiologist

11. Chest X-ray with report by radiologist

12. Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist

13. DEXA Scan (3 region) with report by radiologist

For Women:

Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist
Mammogram/breast ultrasound with report by radiologist


14. Fasting glucose

15. HbA1c

16. Bone metabolism profile

17. Uric Acid

18. Renal function test

19. Liver function test

20. Lipid profile

21. Thyroid function test

22. Urine FEME

23. Full blood count

24. Peripheral blood film

25. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

26. Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)

27. Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)

28. Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)

29. HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)

30. Rheumatoid arthritis factor

31. ABO and rhesus blood Grouping

For Men:

Male hormonal profile
   -Testosterone level

   – Prolactin

   – Cortisol

   – Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)

Male tumour markers
   – PSA (prostate specific antigen)

   – CA 199

   – CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)

For Women:

Female hormonal profile
   – Follicle stimulating hormone

   – Luteinizing hormone

   – Oestradiol (E2)

   – Prolactin

   – Cortisol

   – Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)

Female tumour markers
   – CA 125

   – CA 153

   – CA 199

   – CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)

Pap smear (liquid based cytology)

1. Blood Test
- Blood Grouping (ABO)
- Full Blood Examination
- Diabetic Screen – Fasting Blood - Glucose
- Diabetic Screen – HbA1c
- Hepatitis A Antibody
- Hepatitis B Antigen & Antibody
- Hepatitis C Antibody
- Kidney Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Liver Function Test
- Uric Acid
- Syphilis Test (RPR)
- HIV Antigen and Antibodies
- Thyroid Screening (Free T4)
- Pap Smear (Thin Prep)

2. Urine Tests
- Full Urine Exam
- Urine Microscopy

3. Imaging Tests
- Chest X-Ray
- Abdominal & Pelvic Ultrasound
- Breast Ultrasound OR 3D Mammogram (for >40 years old)

4. Screening Tests
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Lung Function Test
- Body Composition Analysis

5. Consultations
- Physical Examination and Consultation by RMO
- Dietary and Nutrition Care Assessment

1. Blood Test
- Blood Grouping (ABO)
- Full Blood Examination
- Diabetic Screen – Fasting Blood Glucose
- Diabetic Screen – HbA1c
- Hepatitis A Antibody Hepatitis B Antigen & Antibody
- Hepatitis C Antibody
- Helicobacter Pylori
- Cardiac Marker (High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein)
- Kidney Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Liver Function Test
- Uric Acid
- Rheumatoid Factor (Arthritis Screen)
- Syphilis Test (RPR)
- HIV Antigen and Antibodies
- Thyroid Screening (Free T4)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

2. Cancer Marker
- AFP (Liver)
- CEA (Colon)
- CA 19.9 (Pancreas/Stomach)
- PSA (Prostate)

3. Urine Tests
- Full Urine Exam
- Urine Microscopy

4. Imaging Tests
- Chest X-Ray
- Abdominal & Pelvic Ultrasound

5. Screening Tests
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Exercise Stress Test
- Lung Function Test
- Audiometry (Hearing Test)
- Body Composition Analysis

6. Basic Eye Assessment
- Examination by Optometrist
- Visual Acuity
- Auto-Refraction
- Intraocular Pressure (IOP)
- Fundus Photography

7. Consultations
- Physical Examination and Consultation by RMO
- Dietary and Nutrition Care Assessment

1. Complete Medical Examination
2. Personal / Family Medical History
3. Height / Weight / Waist Circumference
4. Body & Visceral Fat Analysis
5. Body Mass Index
6. Vision Acuity & Colour Vision
7. 12-Lead Resting Electrocardiogram
8. Urine Analysis (FEME)
9. Stool Analysis (Occult Blood)
10. ThinPrep (Ladies only)
11. Diagnostic Imaging - Chest X-Ray
12. Medical Report
13. Medical Review by Doctor

Blood and Urine Investigations

14. Coronary Risk / Cardiac Profile
- Total Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- Total /HDL Cholesterol Ratio

15. Liver Function Screen
- Total Protein
- Albumin
- Globulin
- A/G Ratio
- Total Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Gamma (GGT)

16. Hepatitis Screen
- Hepatitis A (HAV) lgG Antibody
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen
- Hepatitis Bs Antibody

17. Bone & Joint Screen
- Uric Acid
- RA Factor
- Phosphate
- Calcium

18. STD Profile
- VDRL & Titre
- TPHA (if VDRL Reactive)

19. Tumour Markers
- Liver – (AFP)
- Colon – (CEA)
- Pancreas – (CA 19-9)
- Ovaries – (CA 125) Ladies only
- Prostate – (PSA) Men only

20. Thyroid Screen
- Free T4

21. Diabetic Screen
- HbA1c
- Blood Glucose

22. Haematology
- Haemoglobin
- Total White Cells
- Total Red Cells
- Platelets
- Differential Count
- Peripheral Blood Film
- Blood Group
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

23. Renal Function
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- Urea
- Creatinine

For Men:

Liver Ultrasound or Prostate Ultrasound

For Women:

Breast Mammogram or Breast Ultrasound 




  1. 成本效益高 – 相比新加坡,价格大幅降低且质量不打折扣。
  2. 世界级设施 – 拥有经验丰富的医疗专业人员的现代化医院。
  3. 全面套餐 – 覆盖所有基本测试的全面健康评估。





Dr Ananda Vella

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